Focused Attack - Meursault
The unit that inflicted this Focused Attack gains the following effects based on the target Slot's Focused Attack Stack.
· 1x Stack: Gain Clash Power +1
· 2x Stack: Gain Base Power +1
· 3x Stack: Gain Base Power +1 and Coin Power +1
- Expires if, for a turn, the unit that inflicted it fails to hit the Slot inflicted with their Focused Attack.
- Expires if the unit that inflicted Focused Attack inflicts it on a different Slot.
- Replaced if a different unit inflicts Focused Attack on a Slot already inflicted with Focused Attack.
- At the start of the next turn, if a Slot inflicted with Focused Attack is no longer present, rearrange all Focused Attacks inflicted against the Slots of that Part in the order of Deployment
Max stack : 3
Dispellable : false