[Before Use] At 25+ blooming[thornyfall_panicRodionFirst], activate 'Ascendant Don Quixote Hardblood Arts - The Finale' instead
[On Use] If the target has 6+
[On Use] To self and (highest Reson.) allies: apply (3 + (1 for every 50
[On Use] To self and (highest Reson.) allies: apply 3 blooming[thornyfall_panicRodionFirst]
[On Use] If the target has 6+
Bleed, Coin Power +1
[On Use] To self and (highest Reson.) allies: apply (3 + (1 for every 50
Bloodfeast Consumed by this unit) festival[bull_feverRodion] this turn and next turn (max 10)
[On Use] To self and (highest Reson.) allies: apply 3 blooming[thornyfall_panicRodionFirst]
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